Ecology consulting for renewable energy projects
At E2M, we are committed to harnessing the power of the environment. As a team, we support our sustainable energy clients in building brighter futures, applying our knowledge and experience to ensure balanced environmental outcomes are delivered through a commercial lens.
Balancing a brighter future for renewable energy and the environment.
Wind Farms
We bring a vast track record of supporting the approvals process for wind farms across Queensland from greenfield through to construction and beyond. By understanding the challenges and topographical risks, we bring our expertise and experience to plan and execute site visits with efficiency, accuracy and quality, mitigating the need for expensive re-work and re-visits.
Our team bring efficiencies by leveraging expertise in technology driven ecology and GIS based initiatives to ensure site visits are undertaken with a safety first approach. Using our expertise in conducting and estimating time and cost parameters, we ensure site coverage and accuracy of insights are gathered and collated first time.
Our track record of securing approvals by navigating State and Federal Legislation has added value to projects including:
- Kaban*
- Donnybrook*
- Strathmore*
- Guarabaya (Seaview) *
- Mutchilba
- Baseline ecological assessment
- Threatened species assessment and management planning
- Bird and bat utilisation surveys (BBUS) and management plans
- Targeted threatened fauna surveys (including audio and visual device monitoring, nocturnal spotlighting and call playbacks, Elliot trapping & funnel trapping
- Ecological constraints assessment
- Regional ecosystem verification
- Remote sensing
- Map production
- Data capture and machine learning
- Data management
- Offsets suitability assessment
Solar – Shining a light on ecology in renewables
Our clients leverage our skills in renewable energy because of our strong track record in helping them to balance clean energy targets with powering sustainable outcomes. Enabling the coexistence of infrastructure and environment provides outcomes for everyone by protecting biodiversity, enhancing environmental outcomes and supporting ecological resilience.
From the planning and execution of field surveys through to navigating the nuances of Federal and State approvals, we provide the on the ground research and insights needed to identify high risk terrestrial ecology constraints and manage and mitigate the impacts on threatened species and communities.
Our track record of securing approvals by navigating State and Federal Legislation has added value to projects including:
- Eurimbula Solar Farm (Vision infrastructure – Private Equity)
- Woodstock Solar Farm (PEP)
- Baseline ecological assessment
- Threatened species assessment and management planning
- Targeted threatened fauna surveys
- Ecological constraints assessment
- Regional ecosystem verification
- Habitat quality assessment
- Remote sensing
- Bioacoustic recorder surveys
- Map production
- Data capture and machine learning
- Data management
- Offsets suitability assessment
Hydro – Powering next generation energy with ecology
Our team of ecologists bring vast and varied expertise to support Environmental Impact Assessments and approvals for pumped Hydro projects in Queensland.
Our expertise and strong track record delivering ecological assessments for complex projects ensures the environmental impacts of hydro projects are minimised and balanced commercial outcomes are provided for our clients.
By working with our aquatic ecologists (partner), we’re able to identify environmental sensitivities and ecological constraints and evaluate the potential impacts of construction activities on biodiversity, water quality, and ecosystem services. Our ability to assess the condition of riparian zones ensure design management strategies protect and enhance critical assets to improve habitat quality and stability.
- Aquatic ecology with our trusted partners (let’s talk about a partner here)
- Flora and Fauna surveys
- Habitat surveys
- Species management plans
- Biodiversity offsets
- Riparian assessment, rehabilitation and management
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)