Origin Energy

Ecological Monitoring services for the Australia Pacific LNG project

Origin is responsible for the operation of the Australia Pacific LNG project which includes expansive gas fields and numerous main gas transmission pipelines.

In addition to the Australia Pacific LNG business, Origin has diverse operations across the energy supply chain; from gas exploration and production to power generation and energy retailing.

The partnership between Origin and E2M began a decade ago, when our CEO, Scott Baker first established the E2M business and Origin needed a team of ecologists to support approvals conditions including rehabilitation, land management and monitoring services.

From the outset, our values and focus were aligned. The approach to safety first in both organisations kick-started projects with a unified and diligent approach to service delivery, building a sustained reputation for delivering great work. This has seen the relationship grow organically to accommodate additional locations and other areas of the Origin operation.


The Project

Origin is Australia’s leading integrated energy company with 4.3 million customers, 6,000 MW of owned and contracted generation capacity, and is one of Australia’s most experienced CSG producers with over 15 years’ experience in Queensland.

Our project with Origin undertakes monitoring activities encompassing the whole of the Australia Pacific LNG project area through an annual program which has expanded from 2000 monitoring points to almost 6500 across numerous Origin sites over the last decade.

From monitoring all the pipeline networks to the gas fields and all the associated infrastructure in between, we have designed a custom methodology to assess Origin sites across from Dalby to Roma through to Gladstone; adapting and scaling as fields and wells increase in size, complexity and volume.


Our Services

Our primary scope focuses on rehabilitation monitoring, qualifying the data, reporting and submissions across all the sites and assets. We apply innovative thinking throughout our engagement, encompassing all aspects of Terrestrial Ecology to employ alternative approaches and technologies to improve project outcomes for Origin.


“I have always considered them as a trusted long-term partner and have no reason to change that”.



“We had a remote sensing project which E2M used GIS to find a specific weed that was on a person’s property. I was sceptical but after talking through it, and seeing it work, the outcome was really great.”



  • Safety First

We regularly report and monitor performance against HSE requirements established by Origin. This is imperative as we monitor 6,500 remote and rural locations for their business. Safety requirements at Origin are stringently managed and monitored with strict adherence to policies and procedures to protect the health and safety of their employees, visitors, and communities. At E2M, we embody safety in our values and culture through an embedded and defined commitment to ensuring our team return to the Flock safely.

  • Efficiency

The team benefits from the efficiencies that come with a trusted team of ecologists, delivering against an extending scope of work consistently and with excellence throughout the 10-year partnership.  Consistency of presence enables our team to understand the intricacies of Origin’s needs, allowing us to take ownership of their values to operate both safely and with trust.

Every deliverable has been designed specifically for their needs with both purpose and intent.  Through continuous improvement and refinement, our investment in great people and robust technology means we’ve been able to deliver against requirements quickly, accurately, and only once.

  • Technology Driven Ecology

Accurate reporting is a pivotal component of the work we do with the team at Origin, requiring a fast and agile approach to distilling and interpreting information into an easy to consume format which delivers the information Origin needs in a short timeframe.

Our application of technology has delivered extended value through a custom reporting tool created for Origin. This integrates and automates data capture to align with their systems, removes human intervention and minimises cost. This approach has increased the accuracy of reports delivered to Origin and reduced the reporting window from months to days.

  • Re-assured Delivery

Our ability to provide a continuous level of service excellence to Origin, has built a relationship based on trust and tenure. By understanding how Origin works and the detail behind their projects, land owners and stakeholders, we’re able to provide the peace of mind needed to know the work has been completed on time, on budget and with diligence.


“Origin’s main focus is safety. And that’s E2M’s main priority too”.

Project Team

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Origin Energy

It starts with us understanding your needs