Energy Client

A wind farm near Ingham

This project is located on an active cattle property within Gugu Badhun Country in North Queensland, in close proximity to the existing electricity transmission network.

The Project is an essential early-transition opportunity for new, large scale clean energy generation that can be responsibly developed, grid connected via existing transmission infrastructure and producing power within the next four years. The objective is to drive progress against time-critical decarbonisation, as well as supporting the solution for the critical shortage of renewable energy supply expected by 2025.


Our Services

Our team was originally commissioned to undertake targeted species surveys for Sharman’s rock-wallaby and the magnificent brood frog within the Project Study Area, as required by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEW).

Using a combination of field and desktop methods we investigated the occurrence of and extent of known (occupied) and potential habitat for Sharman’s rock-wallaby and the magnificent brood frog. In subsequent phases, we undertook field surveys to investigate the suitability of offsets areas for a range of federally-listed species potentially impacted by the project.

Fieldwork was undertaken in remote and difficult-to-access areas presenting several logistical and OH&S challenges, requiring program adjustments and contingency planning to ensure all risks were successfully managed and mitigated throughout.

  • Desktop assessment of habitat suitability and likelihood of occurrence
  • Threatened species habitat suitability and habitat quality assessments
  • Targeted fauna surveys (including use of autonomous acoustic recording devices and camera trapping)
  • Habitat quality and biocondition assessment
  • Habitat mapping
  • Data capture
  • Offset suitability assessment


Using a combination of field and desktop methods we investigated the occurrence of and extent of known (occupied) and potential habitat for Sharman’s rock-wallaby and the magnificent brood frog.




Our team of ecologists were able to confirm the presence of target species within impact and offsets areas and identify suitable offsets areas for the majority of target MNES species. A broader analysis with detailed field assessments was undertaken to quantitatively assess the suitability of existing habitat for these species within the identified offset areas.

Our reports have been provided for incorporation into the public environmental report provided to the Federal Government to assess the project impacts and potential suitability of offsets for the project.


Project Team

Services Provided

Project Info

Energy Client
Gugu Badhun Country, North Queensland

It starts with us understanding your needs