Mining Client

A Mine Expansion Project, Bowen Basin

The coal mine is located in the Bowen Basin Region of Queensland. The coal produced at the mine is transported by road haulage to the loading facility where it is taken by rail to the export terminals for shipping to overseas customers. The coal exported is both thermal and high energy, low volatile, pulverised coal injection (PCI) of export grade.


Our Services

The client was seeking to amend the current approved disturbance footprint through an extension to the mine site, requiring ecological assessments and approvals to inform environmental offset requirements due to impacts to Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) and Matters of State Environmental Significance (MSES).

Our team was engaged to undertake a preliminary ecological assessment during the late wet season, with the results of this initial survey being incorporated into a detailed ecological assessment including both wet and dry season surveys.

Undertaking seasonal surveys ensures that a thorough process for identifying MNES and MSES is followed and meets the survey scope expectations of the regulator.

Our team or ecologists identified the Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla dominant and co-dominant) threatened ecological community (Brigalow TEC), ornamental snake (Denisonia maculata), Solanum dissectum (60km range extension), Solanum adenophorum and Solanum elachophyllumBrigalow (Acacia harpophylla dominant and co-dominant) ecological community (Brigalow TEC), ornamental snake (Denisonia maculata), Solanum dissectum (60km range extension), Solanum adenophorum and Solanum elachophyllum.

  • Detailed baseline ecological assessment
  • Ecological impact assessment
  • Threatened species assessment
  • Targeted fauna surveys
  • Targeted flora surveys
  • Habitat quality and biocondition assessment
  • Ecological constraints assessment
  • Regional ecosystem verification
  • GIS data processing and map production
  • Data capture programs
  • Data management





The client has received a comprehensive report containing the information needed to progress EPBC Act approvals prior to determining suitable biodiversity offsets for the future.



Project Team

Services Provided

Project Info

Mining Client
Bowen Basin

It starts with us understanding your needs