Our Services

Terrestrial Ecology

Dedicated Terrestrial Ecologists

E2M provides a team of dedicated ecologists with a broad range of expertise and industry experience to tackle complex ecological assessments.

Our team has extensive flora and fauna survey experience in the coal seam gas, mining, urban land development and public infrastructure sectors on small to large-scale projects. This experience combined with our innovative approach to data capture and integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows E2M to be effective on all projects.

Vegetation management requires integrated solutions and technical experience across a broad platform of disciplines.

We are highly experienced across a diverse range of ecosystems, facilitating reliable data capture and efficient reporting. The integration of innovative data capture methodologies allows E2M to tailor our assessments to each project, whilst maintaining regulatory reporting requirements and capturing ‘value add’ information at our Client’s request. Our innovation extends to the simultaneous capture of multiple datasets, adding another element of efficiency and cost savings for our Clients. E2M is experienced in:

  • Regional Ecosystem assessment and mapping
  • Biocondition surveys
  • Protected Plants assessments
  • Property Vegetation Management Plans (PVMPs)
  • Property Maps of Assessable Vegetation (PMAVs)
  • Threatened Ecological Community assessment
  • Threatened Flora assessment and management planning
  • Biosecurity (weeds) survey and management planning



We provide a range of services aimed at identifying threatened fauna species, threatening processes, habitat assessments and associated analyses.

E2M has a suite of passionate and enthusiastic fauna ecologists who are experts in their field. Our team are highly experienced in fauna identification, habitat utilisation and verification and fauna identification. E2M maintains a current scientific user permit and has been approved by the animal ethics committee of the Department of Forestry and Fisheries Queensland to undertake our work.

E2M are experienced with:

  • Diurnal and nocturnal fauna surveys
  • Fauna trapping
  • Threatened Species assessment and management planning
  • Threatened species monitoring programs
  • Fauna Management Plans
  • Biosecurity surveys and management planning


Terrestrial Ecology Projects

Other Environmental Services


Consulting Ecologists

Ecologists Brisbane

Wind Farm Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

Planning, Environmental Approvals and Compliance

Biodiversity Offsets

GIS & Spatial Services

Great people delivering
balanced environmental outcomes through a commercial lens.