SLR Consulting

Pacific Highway Interchange Upgrade Ecological Assessment

Ecological assessment for the proposed upgrade of the Exit 49 interchange of the Pacific Highway, Pimpama.

E2M conducted a detailed ecological assessment and prepared a range of reports to support environmental approval requirements for the Exit 49 interchange upgrade. The works included the delivery of a:

  • Biodiversity Assessment Report
  • Protected Plant Flora Survey Report
  • Animal Breeding Places Report; and
  • Impact Management Plan.



In addition, the field survey identified areas of the site that had been incorrectly mapped as High Ecological Significance (HES) wetland in State Government mapping. Field data collected combined with a review of the Environmental Protection (Water and Wetland Biodiversity) Policy 2019 were used to inform a successful amendment to the HES wetland mapping under Section 19 of the Environmental Protection (Water and Wetland Biodiversity) Policy 2019.

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SLR Consulting

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