SLR Consulting

Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road

E2M conducted a detailed terrestrial ecological assessment on behalf of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) for the Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road Safety Improvements Project.

To do this, E2M undertook a legislative compliance assessment of Commonwealth, State matters of environmental significance mapped within the Study Area. E2M also carried out a pre-clearance survey of the disturbance areas to assess the ecological values present on site and determine potential impacts.


Utilising information gathered during field surveys and the legislative compliance assessment, E2M was able to provide mitigation measures to minimise the impacts that were identified including vegetation and fauna management measures.



The field assessment included verification of mapped vegetation communities, compilation of flora and fauna species list, determination of the site and surrounding ecological function, non-juvenile koala habitat tree (NJKHT) counts and identification of habitat features (hollows, decorticating bark, arboreal termite mounds, culverts etc). The Protected Matters Search Tool identified four Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs) as potentially occurring on site. By verifying vegetation communities (VCs) present on the site, E2M was able to confirm that the VCs did not meet the definitions of TECs listed under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Utilising information gathered during field surveys and the legislative compliance assessment, E2M was able to provide mitigation measures to minimise the impacts that were identified including vegetation and fauna management measures. These works included the delivery of a Biodiversity Assessment Report which included the provision of a Koala Offsets Report and a Protected Plant Flora Survey Report.

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Project Info

SLR Consulting
Redland Bay

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