Investigation of land-based offsets facing project impacts
Our team was engaged to investigate land-based offsets for two Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES), koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and greater glider (Petauroides volans) likely to be impacted by a pumped hydro project.
Our Services
Surveys were undertaken across an investigation area of approximately 2,300 ha to determine the baseline habitat quality of the area and presence of threatened species.
Services included a desktop assessment, field based spotlighting surveys within ground truthed habitat, mapping of vegetation, habitat quality assessments and baselining, survey methodologies for targeted species and mapping of potential habitats for koala and greater glider.
Detailed Services:
- Threatened species assessment and management
- Fauna surveys
- Regional Ecosystem ground truthing
- Threatened species monitoring
- Habitat quality and bio-condition assessment
- Remote sensing
- Map production
- Data capture programs
- Data management
- Offset suitability assessment
- Offset strategy
- Offset calculation
The team successfully navigated a large area of challenging terrain, undertaking nighttime spotlighting surveys to identify koala and greater glider and deliver a comprehensive report in a short timeframe. The client received a comprehensive offset assessment, strategy and recommendations to ensure controlled actions under the EPBC Act were met.