
Secondment to Santos

E2M has seconded environmental professionals to fulfil Environmental Advisor roles on the Santos Environment and Access Team.

One role included providing internal environmental assessment for the GLNG gathering network expansion project over their Roma, Scotia, Fairview and Arcadia fields. Secondees were responsible for ensuring all proposed infrastructure complied with the relevant Environmental Authorities, as well as associated acts such as the:

  • Fisheries Act 1994
  • Water Act 2007
  • Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
  • Environmental Protection Act 1994
  • Nature Conservation Act
    • Nature Conservation (Plants) Regulation 2020
    • Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020


Secondees were responsible for ensuring all proposed infrastructure complied with the relevant Environmental Authorities



This involved desktop assessment of proposed infrastructure to identify key environmental constraints including works within Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Water Act watercourses, referable wetlands, protected plants, remnant vegetation and offset requirements/ availability. Additionally, the roles include providing advice on noise impact to sensitive receptors, legal use of dams and interpretation of legislation and its implications to the business.

E2M also provided an environmental professional to undertake external approvals on the Santos Environment and Access Team. This role included undertaking desktop assessment and reporting requirements to meet Santos’ legislative compliance. Responsibilities included:

  • Environmental Authority amendments
  • Quarry Management Plans
  • Occupational Permits
  • Liasing with the regulator; and
  • Estimated Rehabilitation Cost tracking

Environmental Advisors were responsible for producing technically accurate reports for internal use within Santos.

Project Team

Services Provided

Project Info


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