Energy Client

Southern Queensland Wind Farm

E2M was commissioned to undertake preliminary ecological surveys of a potential site for a wind farm and ancillary infrastructure on the Queensland / New South Wales border to commence addressing Commonwealth and State approval requirements for terrestrial ecology.


Our Services

Using a desktop assessment to identify Commonwealth Government (CG) and Queensland State Government (QG) Prescribed Environmental Matters (PEM) likely to be present, our team was also commissioned to identify potential offset suitability within the proximity of the proposed development site.

Field surveys were undertaken across challenging topography during summer months to maximise compliance with seasonal requirements, assessing all vegetation and habitat sites for the extrapolation of ecological values across the project area.
The team used a variety of technology driven ecology and GIS based initiatives to access large parts of the site which were inaccessible, to ensure absolute site coverage and accuracy of insights collated within the report.

The team identified a number of threatened species and plants including the spotted-tail quoll, koala, border thick-tailed gecko and White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland threatened ecological community in a baseline ecological assessment which can be used as a comprehensive baseline for future evaluations and approvals.

  • Baseline ecological assessment
  • Threatened species assessment and management planning
  • Targeted threatened Fauna surveys (including audio and visual device monitoring, nocturnal spotlighting and call playbacks, Elliot trapping & funnel trapping)
  • Ecological constraints assessment
  • Regional ecosystem verification
  • GIS
  • Remote sensing
  • Map production
  • Data capture
  • Data management
  • Offsets suitability assessment


The team used a variety of technology-driven ecology and GIS-based initiatives to access large parts of the site which were inaccessible, to ensure absolute site coverage and accuracy of insights collated within the report.





The client received a comprehensive ecological survey using desktop, field site, data analysis and mapping which can be used as the baseline for ecological assessments and approvals. In addition, suitable offsets have been identified to support the development plan, upon approval of the project.

Project Team

Services Provided

Project Info

Energy Client
Southern Queensland

It starts with us understanding your needs