Powerlink Queensland

SuperGrid Environmental Offsets Strategy

The Queensland Government has developed the Queensland SuperGrid Infrastructure Blueprint (the Blueprint). This outlines the State’s optimal infrastructure pathway to transform Queensland’s electricity system. The Blueprint is a point-in-time document and updated will occur on a biennial basis with the first update to be released in 2025.

Our Client, Powerlink Queensland is leading the delivery of the SuperGrid. Based on the current Blueprint, this will involve four stages of new high voltage backbone transmission line projects which will to be constructed by the mid-2030s.


The transmission backbone will connect the proposed two pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) assets and areas of strong renewable resources with Queensland’s demand centres.



Our Services

During the early stages of the Project, E2M prepared a preliminary Environmental Offset Strategy for Powerlink Queensland based on the current Blueprint. This was a desktop-based assessment including detailed GIS habitat modelling.

The Environmental Offset Strategy sought to:

  • Identify key matters of National and State Environmental Significance (which may require environmental offsets)
  • Estimate the potential scale of environmental offsets
  • Identify risks and constraints to environmental offset delivery
  • Identify mitigation and de-risk strategies in relation to environmental offsets
  • Identify environmental offset delivery options.



The Environmental Offset Strategy provided Powerlink with an understanding of potential offset liability for the Project. It also provided insights into the potential availability of offsets, knowledge of key stakeholders, and an outline of potential pathways to support the delivery of offsets including risks, opportunities and innovations.

Project Team

Services Provided

Project Info

Powerlink Queensland
Gladstone to Townsville

It starts with us understanding your needs