Origin Energy

Third Party Environmental Authority Compliance Auditing

E2M prepared a third party audit for approximately 370 km of pipeline against 98 Environmental Authority conditions.

E2M initially undertook a desktop review of relevant documents, systems, registers, and records, as well as interviews with applicable stakeholders.

site audit was undertaken to assess the implementation of site controls. E2M developed a customised Collector for ArcGIS form to allow for spatial accuracy and to match photographic records with the audit findings. Early engagement with the Origin operations and maintenance team ensured the correct personnel were available for interviews during the time of the site audit and to determine key locations to assess.

The audit findings were documented in an audit report, which graphically demonstrated the compliance status of the project, as well as providing information on opportunities for improved environmental performance.


E2M used a custom built data capture form in Collector for ArcGIS to efficiently capture and report audit data


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Origin Energy

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