Megan Ward

Principal Ecologist

Megan is a botanical ecologist with two decades of experience in the research and consultancy industry. Bringing a thorough understanding of State, Commonwealth and local legislation (as it pertains to ecology), Megan continues to apply her ecological skills across a diverse range of projects and sectors throughout Queensland.

With a wealth of field survey experience, Megan offers vegetation community and flora species identification skills across an array of vegetation communities in Queensland including terrestrial ecosystems, freshwater wetlands and marine plants. She also brings specialist experience in vegetation characterisation and mapping; targeted flora species searches and habitat assessment; revegetation and biodiversity offsets; ecological constraints analysis; impact assessment and management; and ecological approvals.

As one of our Principal Ecologists, Megan is a ‘suitably qualified person’ under the State’s Flora Survey Guidelines. In addition, her skills as an adept Project Manager with an established record of delivering on time, on budget and to a high degree of satisfaction are highly valued by our clients.


  • Bachelor of Science (Botany)
  • Honours (Ecology and Conservation Biology)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Biological Sciences)

Specialising in

Megan Ward's Projects

It starts with us understanding your needs