Our Services

Planning, Environmental Approvals and Compliance

Dedicated Environmental Specialists

From strategic advisory services to document preparation and risk assessments through to field surveys, our team provide the approvals insights your project needs to achieve its goals.

As the largest team of Terrestrial Ecologists in Queensland, at E2M, we’re known for providing a high-quality service as a trusted partner to our clients across Queensland and beyond.

To provide more comprehensive support to our clients focused on project delivery, our consultancy services have extended to include Planning, Environmental Approvals and Compliance services



Our Services

Legislative advice and approvals support
  • Approvals strategy, due diligence and risk assessments
  • Legislative review and advice
  • Desktop assessment and opportunities constraints analyses
  • Development of approvals documentation and impact assessments, including:
    • EPBC Act Referrals and reporting
    • Environmental Impact Statements
    • Environmental Management Plans
    • Land Use and Tenure Technical Reports
    • Town Planning and Environmental Reports
  • Environmental permitting and approvals
  • Technical studies scoping and management
  • Approvals coordination and management
  • Stakeholder management and negotiation


Specialist advisory services
  • Business case development support
  • Site selection activities and optioneering
  • Approvals project management and coordination
  • Third party peer reviews
  • In-house secondments and support


  • Environmental analysis and reporting
  • Environmental management plans
  • Compliance assessment and monitoring
  • Environmental inspections and reporting
  • Due diligence and compliance
  • Training
  • Independent auditing
  • Estimated Rehabilitation Cost (ERC) and Financial Assurance applications
  • Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plans



We’re here to help our clients to:

  • Navigate the complexities of evolving regulatory demands and,
  • Support approvals delivery across the project lifecycle, from site selection and project definition through to assessment, construction and operational compliance.

Learn more about how we help.


Approvals support throughout the project delivery lifecycle

We’re here to support you from project inception to completion and beyond – what really matters is setting your project up for success. We work with you to identify issues that will impact project design, scheduling and cost including:

  • Developing strategies to minimise approvals delivery risk
  • Site selection and optioneering
  • Impact assessment and permitting
  • Regulatory compliance during design, construction and operation.
Why choose E2M for your approvals?

Expertise: Our team comprises highly skilled professionals with practical experience in planning and environmental approvals, compliance, and management.

Integration: We’re Queensland’s largest team of ecologists with a detailed understanding of project issues from the ground-up. By integrating Ecology and GIS with Approvals, we provide end-to-end reassurance and control.

Commitment: Our commitment and track record in planning and environmental approvals and compliance provides assurance of sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

Collaboration: We’re known for working as a trusted advisor and extension of your team, bringing together clients, communities, and stakeholders to achieve balanced and practical outcomes.



How we help

We help you to:
Navigate environmental legislation

Through a practical understanding of the application of planning and environmental legislation, we guide projects through the assessment processes quickly and easily.


We provide strategic guidance on obtaining approvals based on project design, scale, and potential impacts, focusing on balanced environmental outcomes across all industries.

Undertake comprehensive assessments

We undertake robust impact assessments that support approvals delivery and the implementation of practical, workable and measurable conditions.


Our assessments and advice fulfil the expectations of assessing authorities, meet requirements under legislation, policy and guidelines, and community engagement obligations.

Engage support across the project lifecycle

We engage with our clients from site selection and optioneering and pre-feasibility stages through project implementation, ensuring compliance with relevant legislation at both the state and Commonwealth levels.


We can develop the necessary documentation to support each project delivery phase, including site analyses, SQRAs, design advice, feasibilities, approvals strategies, risk assessments, relevant approvals documentation, compliance and audit reports.  We specialise in maintaining compliance through experienced assistance and guidance throughout the project lifecycle.

Prepare approvals documentation

We prepare the necessary documents for each approval phase, including scoping documents, environmental review documentation, and strategic documents required by state and local authorities.


We bring our insights and experience to drive efficiency and accuracy of documentation, ensuring all applications meet the highest standards and regulatory requirements.

Engage Stakeholders

By working seamlessly with your project teams and the community, we undertake extensive stakeholder consultation workshops and public reviews.


We prepare consultation materials to support EIA processes, deliver briefings, and attend public consultations and meetings with local, state, and Commonwealth agencies.

Engage and co-ordinate specialist expertise

Our team are well versed in the engagement and co-ordination of appropriate skills and capability to meet the needs of your specific project.


Our reputation as project delivery specialist stands firm across Terrestrial Ecology, Environmental Management, Compliance, Planning and Environmental Approvals, and Spatial Solutions. Our network of associates in air quality, hydrology, hydrogeology, noise and vibration, and cultural heritage are available as required.


Services to manage the risk of the approvals process under state and federal legislation include:

Strategic Approvals Advice:
Strategic guidance on obtaining approvals based on project design, scale, and potential impacts.

Risk Assessment:
Undertaking planning and environmental approvals risk assessments to identify significant risks affecting and arising from the project.

Opportunities and constraints analysis:
Reviewing project scope and scale to pinpoint potential environmental constraints, issues requiring detailed investigation, and opportunities for leverage.

Liaison and Scheduling:
Coordinating with clients, project teams, and regulators to develop a comprehensive project schedule that considers regulatory assessment durations and other influencing factors.

Team Assembly and Study Coordination:
Forming a team of environmental specialists tailored to specific environmental issues while ensuring adherence to guidelines, industry and regulatory standards.


Planning, Environmental Approvals and Compliance Projects

Other Environmental Services


Consulting Ecologists

Ecologists Brisbane

Wind Farm Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

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Terrestrial Ecology

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Great people delivering
balanced environmental outcomes through a commercial lens.